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Communication courses ‘just the perfect ones’
Like many university students, Taylor Rae spent her first year exploring. She liked the sound of some of the communications courses, and discovered they were just right for her.
“Out of all the courses I took — communication, journalism, tourism courses — they were just the perfect ones.”
Taylor is now in her fourth year, majoring in communication, taking the public relations stream. She’s grown to have a strong appreciation for TRU’s instructors and small classes.
“I’ve rarely had a teacher here that I didn’t find that I enjoyed their classes, or that their teaching style didn’t work for me. The class sizes are nice for sure. You get to learn a lot and it’s very hands-on, which is how I learn best.”
What really makes TRU stand out for her is the high international student population.
“You get to see so many different cultures. I did a ton of group assignments with international students and they were quite different in what they brought to the table.”
Taylor is not sure yet whether she wants to pursue a career or post-graduate work, but either way she feels she is well prepared.
“This university in general offers so much for all students that it’s crazy not to have a great resumé when you graduate.”

It’s crazy not to have a great resumé when you graduate. Taylor Rae
Opportunities within the community
Three 3700 CMNS students tried their hand at deep mapping the Kamloops Art Gallery (KAG). Each played a different role on the team — social media/blogging, mapping and videography. Their objective was to deploy deep mapping as a strategy for TRU students and the Kamloops Art Gallery to co-placemake, to move away from just the consumption of the cultural products in the KAG to the creation of a community of producers and consumers where the distinction between the two is a little more blurred.
One of KAG’s mandates is to create community, and one of TRU’s mandates is to connect with the community, so this worked well on so many levels. Please visit their website below. They were guided in their studies by their professor, Dr. Kathleen Scherf, employees and members of the KAG and by TRU webmaster Robline Forsythe.
(Back) Dr. Kathleen Scherf, Emily Hope, education and public programs director for the KAG and Robline Forsythe, webmaster, TRU OL (Front) John Bantock, Sheridan King and Carmen Ruiz
Blogging from Milan sparks passion for journalism
Jessica Wallace started out taking a variety of courses — business, philosophy, political science and English.
Then she went for a semester to Milan with TRU’s Study Abroad program, and blogged about her experiences. That, plus a strong sense of social conviction and community, pointed the way to journalism.
“I appreciated the opportunity to learn about the world and took the following semester off to backpack before returning to Kamloops.”
Back at TRU, Jessica took advantage of opportunities in the journalism program to learn outside the classroom.
“One of my professors introduced me to a mentor at Kamloops This Week, paving the way for an internship and, ultimately, my current job at the same newspaper years later. I'm not sure I would have been privy to that kind of exposure or opportunity at a bigger university.”
The student newspaper welcomed her volunteer work, and provided valuable experience.
“For me, working at The Omega while studying at TRU was a way to practice what I learned in the classroom while getting a few bylines for my resumé.”

For me, working at The Omega while studying at TRU was a way to practice what I learned in the classroom while getting a few bylines for my resumé. Jessica Wallace
Writing career a good fit for born story teller
As a boy, Coleman Molnar wrote short stories and his grandmother, a professor, would edit them. He’s all grown up now, and writes for a living, thanks to the TRU journalism program.
“I liked the idea of being able to get up in the morning and write about something different every day. It was a great fit from the start, playing to my creative and personal skills, and a terribly fun time to boot.”
Coleman thrived in TRU’s small classes and the individual attention he got from professors and fellow students.
“The relationships I built with my professors and classmates during my time in the program were lasting and very impactful. I continue to keep in touch with them, personally and professionally.”
An internship and a stint at The Omega student newspaper helped Coleman assemble a collection of clippings for his resume.
“Looking back, those first few positions were critical and really set me out at an advantage against other students who weren't given the opportunity to get published.”
Now working in Toronto, Coleman is eager to get back to the B.C. Interior.
“Kamloops is awesome! Fun and hot in the summer, and fun and not too cold in the winter. It's cheap, there are plenty of great job opportunities for students, and it's just the right size city.”

The relationships I built with my professors and classmates during my time in the program were lasting and very impactful. Coleman Molnar
Internships lay foundation for career
Wade Tomko grew up in a family where the news was constantly on the radio or TV, so he was always in tune with what was going on in the world. Over time, he came to believe that people have a right to know about the events that affect them.
This initially led to plans for a major in political science, but the courses he took left him feeling disconnected.
“I would eventually leave TRU to go out and explore the world and to find myself, but not before taking a course in multimedia journalism. It showed me that the work of journalists is meticulous and critical, but also rewarding and fun. Since then, I haven't looked back on my career choice.”
Entering his third year, Wade has an appreciation for the extensive experience that professors bring from the media and communications industry. He has also seen how journalism differs from other programs with its hands-on approach.
“You could describe it as the trade of academics. The program prepares aspiring journalists extremely well, giving students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with professional video and audio equipment and software.”
Internships give students real-world experience and a chance to expand their portfolios.
“I felt like I had an actual job within a media outlet. The realization of what would be expected from me in my field before finishing my program has helped me more than anything else thus far.”

I felt like I had an actual job within a media outlet. Wade Tomko