Adult Basic Education
We're here to help!
If you have any questions about courses, life at TRU, or need help with your application, let us know and we'll get in touch to give you all the answers.
Our advisors will make sure you are taking the right program or course.
Kamloops campus advisor
Williams Lake campus advisor
Online (Open Learning) advisor
Qelmúcw recruiter-advisor
Choose Your Learning Path
Step on the path to better opportunities and more options by upgrading your education today. Upgrading could be right for you if you want to meet TRU program requirements or get your high school diploma.
Which option is right for you?
You have two choices. You can take upgrading courses at TRU either on campus or online. Our on-campus courses are delivered by the University and Employment Preparation department (UEPrep) at both Kamloops and Williams Lake campuses, and our online courses are delivered by Open Learning. There are differences — and advantages — between the two. Read the chart to see which is best for you.
On Campus
In Kamloops or Williams Lake
- Start in fall, winter, or summer intakes
- Finish in 13 weeks
- Take the course in a class with other students
- An instructor-led course with a variety of delivery methods
- Tuition is free, but you pay ancillary fees and some textbook fees — assistance may be available.
Through Open Learning
- Start any time
- Finish any time up to 30 weeks later, with the option of a paid extension
- Take the course independently at your own pace
- An Open Learning faculty member answers questions and marks assignments
- Tuition is free, but you pay admin/tech and materials/shipping fees
Ready to decide? Discover detailed course descriptions and explore upgrade pathways below.
Course Descriptions
You can take our courses at the Kamloops and Williams Lake campuses. Online courses are available through Open Learning. Courses at Williams Lake are not offered every semester.
High school equivalencies
Kamloops | Williams Lake | Open Learning |
ENGL 0400 | ENGL 0400 | ENGL 0401 |
ENGL 0500 | ENGL 0500 | ENGL 0501 |
ENGL 0600 | ENGL 0600 | ENGL 0601 |
ENGL 0620 | ENGL 0620 | n/a |
Kamloops | Williams Lake | Open Learning |
SINC 0440 | n/a | n/a |
BIOL 0500 | n/a | BIOL 0501 |
BIOL 0600 | BIOL 0600 | BIOL 0601 |
CHEM 0500 | CHEM 0500 | CHEM 0501 |
CHEM 0600 | n/a | n/a |
PHYS 0500 | n/a | PHYS 0501 |
PHYS 0600 | n/a | PHYS 0601 |
Kamloops | Williams Lake | Open Learning |
n/a | MATH 0300 | n/a |
MATH 0400 | MATH 0400 | MATH 0401 |
MATH 0410 | MATH 0410 | n/a |
MATH 0510 | n/a | MATH 0523 |
MATH 0520 | MATH 0520 | n/a |
MATH 0550 | n/a | n/a |
MATH 0600 | n/a | MATH 0633 |
MATH 0610 | n/a | n/a |
MATH 0630 | n/a | n/a |
MATH 0650 | MATH 0650 | n/a |
First Nations Studies
Student Success
Kamloops | Williams Lake | Open Learning |
STSS 0600 | n/a | n/a |
Apply Now
- Create an Account: You will need an email and password and some personal information, contact information, and academic history.
- Select Institution: Thompson Rivers University
- Program Selection Area
- What Category: English Language and Adult Basic Education Upgrading
- Which Campus: Kamloops
- When to Start: Desired semester
- Credential Type: Adult Basic Education and University Preparation
- Select Program: Provincial Adult Basic Education
- Save
- Additional Information
- Complete relevant questions
- Save
- Review Application: Review drop-down areas and confirm any information needed.
- Submit Application
If you need help with the application process, contact
Upgrade Pathways
If you don't meet the requirements for a program, TRU offers upgrading courses that can help you reach your goal. Many courses have an online version.
Campus courses
Courses are available in the fall and winter semesters in Kamloops and Williams Lake. There are two six-week summer sessions in Kamloops. » Application deadlines
Online courses
Take these courses, offered through Open Learning, at your own pace whenever you choose. Online options are shown in the course descriptions.
Please check individual courses for prerequisite requirements.
Intermediate level (Grade 10 equivalent)
SINC 0440 General and Applied Science (5,0,2) SINC 0440 General and Applied Science (5,0,2)Credits: 3 credits This course covers the learning outcomes and core topics of Intermediate Science of the Adult Basic Education Curriculum found in the most recent edition of the BC ABE Articulation Handbook, including the completion of seven or more labs. Students are introduced to important basic science concepts relevant to the general or allied health sciences. The principles of biology, physics and chemistry are studied in a modularized format with an emphasis on the links between disciplines. Students build and strengthen their background in science in order to confidently explore their area of interest.
ENGL 0400 Basic Language Skills (6,0,0) ENGL 0400 Basic Language Skills (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to enter higher level courses. It is based on the following core skills: vocabulary development, reading, writing and study skills.
MATH 0400 Intermediate Pre-Algebra (6,0,0) MATH 0400 Intermediate Pre-Algebra (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits Adult Basic Education (ABE) – Intermediate: Students study basic math concepts including operations with whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and percentages. Additional topics include systems of measurement, geometry, and an introduction to algebra. Together with MATH 0410: Intermediate Algebra, this course fulfills the ABE Intermediate Algebra level requirements.
MATH 0410 Intermediate Algebra (6,0,0) MATH 0410 Intermediate Algebra (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits Adult Basic Education (ABE) – Intermediate: Students study concepts that include linear equations, graphing, powers, radicals, scientific notation, polynomials and right triangle trigonometry. Together with MATH 0400: Intermediate Pre-Algebra, this course fulfills the ABE Intermediate Algebra level requirements.
Intermediate level (Grade 11 equivalent)
BIOL 0500 General Biology (5,0,2) BIOL 0500 General Biology (5,0,2)Credits: 4 credits ABE - Advanced: This basic Biology course introduces students to the fundamentals of Biology. It includes a brief study of the cell, Binomial Nomenclature, and the major Phyla of Plant and Animal Kingdoms. Fundamentals of plant and animal physiology are introduced with emphasis on the inter-relationship among living organisms.
CHEM 0500 Foundations of Chemistry 1 (5,0,2)(L) CHEM 0500 Foundations of Chemistry 1 (5,0,2)(L)Credits: 4 credits ABE - Advanced: This course is designed for those students who have taken no previous high school chemistry course but who now require the equivalent of Chemistry 11 for entry into a certain program or course. Topics covered include chemical arithmetic, chemical nomenclature, chemical formula calculations, energy, solutions, atomic theory, chemical bonding, acids and bases, and physical properties. The laboratory reinforces concepts introduced in the lectures.
PHYS 0500 Introduction to Physics 1 (5,0,2)(L) PHYS 0500 Introduction to Physics 1 (5,0,2)(L)Credits: 4 credits ABE - Advanced: This course is suitable for students with little or no physics background. Physics 0500 examines the basic principles upon which the discipline of physics is founded. In doing so, it provides students with a new perspective from which to view the world around them and with a solid content basis for future courses in physics should this be the objective. The course is oriented toward developing experimental and problem solving skills.
ENGL 0500 Developing Writing Skills (6,0,0) ENGL 0500 Developing Writing Skills (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits ABE - Advanced: A basic writing skills course which covers mechanics, sentence structure, grammar and composition. The major modes of writing (description, narration, and exposition) are covered.
NAST 0500 Introduction to Indigenous peoples Studies (6,0,0) NAST 0500 Introduction to Indigenous peoples Studies (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits ABE - Advanced: This course provides students with an overview of historical and current social, economic, and political issues concerning Indigenous people.
MATH 0510 Advanced Algebra (6,0,0) MATH 0510 Advanced Algebra (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits Adult Basic Education – Advanced: Students study concepts that include basic algebra, systems of linear equations and inequalities, polynomials, relations and functions, rational expressions and equations, radical expressions and equations, quadratic equations and functions, and trigonometry.
MATH 0520 Advanced Foundations of Mathematics (6,0,0) MATH 0520 Advanced Foundations of Mathematics (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits Adult Basic Education – Advanced: Students study concepts that include basic algebra, rates, linear relations, systems of linear equations and inequalities, quadratic functions, geometry and trigonometry.
MATH 0530 |
Provincial level (Grade 12 equivalent)
BIOL 0600 Human Biology (5,0,2)(L) BIOL 0600 Human Biology (5,0,2)(L)Credits: 4 credits ABE - Provincial: A study of the major principles of human anatomy and physiology from the origin of atoms and elements through to the structure and function of molecules, cells, tissues, organs and body systems. Introduces the basic principles of Genetics and Evolution. Laboratory work involves organizing observations, drawing conclusions and effective communication.
CHEM 0600 Foundations of Chemistry 2 (5,0,2)(L) CHEM 0600 Foundations of Chemistry 2 (5,0,2)(L)Credits: 4 credits ABE - Provincial: A pre-university level course for students requiring a more in-depth introduction to chemistry than provided by CHEM 0500 or Chemistry 11. The course is an acceptable prerequisite for CHEM 111. Topics covered will be similar to those dealt with in Chemistry 12 and will include gas laws, reaction kinetics, chemical equilibrium, solubility of ionic substances, acids and bases, oxidation-reduction and organic Chemistry. The laboratory exercises will illustrate and reinforce topics covered in the lectures.
PHYS 0600 Introduction to Physics 2 (5,0,2)(L) PHYS 0600 Introduction to Physics 2 (5,0,2)(L)Credits: 4 credits ABE - Provincial: This course is an indepth study of the principles of scientific measurement, vectors, two-dimensional kinematics and dynamics, electrostatics, electromagnetism, vibrations and waves and optics. Physics 0600 is a Provincial level (grade 12 equivalency) physics course. It will prepare students for university, trades and technology programs which require Physics 12 as a prerequisite. The course is primarily theoretical and places an emphasis on the mathematical analysis of physical phenomena and the development of problem solving and experimental skills.
COMP 0600 Introduction to Programming (2,0,4) COMP 0600 Introduction to Programming (2,0,4)Credits: 3 credits ABE - Provincial: A programming course designed for students who are planning to take a first year course in computer programming at the college or university level, CSOM or as a prerequisite for COMP 1130. It assumes no previous experience on computers and aims to develop problem solving skills and knowledge of a computer language. Students will learn the VISUAL BASIC.NET programming language.
ENGL 0600 Literature and Composition (6,0,0) ENGL 0600 Literature and Composition (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits ABE - Provincial: ENGL 0600 is a Provincial Level (Grade 12 equivalency) course which prepares students for the demands of compositions required in academic courses. It provides for further development of writing and thinking skills begun in earlier levels. Students work with a variety of rhetorical models for essay development. Also included is a critical analysis of selected works of prose and poetry.
ENGL 0620 Composition and Studies in Indigenous Literature (6,0,0) ENGL 0620 Composition and Studies in Indigenous Literature (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits This course is a Provincial Level (Grade 12 equivalency) course which prepares students for university level English courses. It provides further development of writing and thinking skills. Students work with a variety of models for essay development. Indigenous perspectives will be explored through critical analysis of selected works of prose and poetry written by indigenous authors or covering topics about Indigenous issues. A variety of teaching approaches will promote success of students working from a variety of learning styles, backgrounds, and experiences.
NAST 0600 An Overview of Major Issues in Indigenous peoples Studies (6,0,0) NAST 0600 An Overview of Major Issues in Indigenous peoples Studies (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits In this course, students explore issues related to the role of elders, women, and leaders in matters pertaining to health, education, justice, and economical development in Indigenous peoples communities and off-reserve communities. Using the articles found in the textbook as a guide, the instructor will draw upon community resources to supplement the course content. Classroom activities will include presenting in small groups and conducting library and Internet searches.
MATH 0600 Provincial Pre-Calculus 1 (6,0,0) MATH 0600 Provincial Pre-Calculus 1 (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits Adult Basic Education (ABE) – Provincial: Students develop math skills that prepare them for further studies in calculus. Topics include a review of advanced algebra, an introduction to functions, and a study of linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Together with MATH 0610: Provincial Pre-Calculus 2, this course fulfills the ABE – Provincial Level (Grade 12 equivalency) requirements.
MATH 0610 Provincial Pre-Calculus 2 (6,0,0) MATH 0610 Provincial Pre-Calculus 2 (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits Adult Basic Education (ABE) – Provincial: Students build on skills developed in Pre-Calculus 1 in preparation for further studies in calculus. Topics include polynomial, rational, and trigonometric functions, analytical trigonometry, and sequences and series. Together with MATH 0600: Provincial Pre-Calculus 1, this course fulfills the ABE Provincial Level (Grade 12 equivalency) requirements.
MATH 0630 Provincial Pre-Calculus 1 and 2 (9,0,0) MATH 0630 Provincial Pre-Calculus 1 and 2 (9,0,0)Credits: 4 credits Adult Basic Education (ABE) – Provincial: Students acquire math skills in preparation for further studies in calculus. Students learn the characteristics of linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Additional topics include analytic trigonometry and sequences and series. MATH0630 fulfills the ABE – Provincial Level (Grade 12 equivalency) requirements.
MATH 0650 Provincial Foundations of Mathematics (6,0,0) MATH 0650 Provincial Foundations of Mathematics (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits Students study a variety of math concepts including logical reasoning and set theory, permutations and combinations, probability, exponential and logarithmic functions, polynomial and sinusoidal functions, and financial mathematics.
STSS 0600 Personal and Academic Success Strategies (6,0,0) STSS 0600 Personal and Academic Success Strategies (6,0,0)Credits: 4 credits Students learn methodologies and strategies necessary for ongoing academic success and a healthy university/life balance. Topics covered include time management , learning styles, reading strategies, test taking, communication, diversity, group dynamics and money management.
Prerequisite or Co-Requisite: ENGL 0500 or equivalent. |
Course offerings may vary between campuses.
BC Adult Graduation Diploma
Earn a high school diploma with these courses. Some courses are available online through Open Learning.
Grade 12 requirements
Campus | Online |
Language Arts 12 | |
ENGL 0600 or 0620 | ENGL 0601 |
Mathematics 11 or 12 | |
MATH 0510, 0520 or 0550 | MATH 0523 |
Three Grade 12 ministry authorized courses OR Social Studies 11 (or equivalent) and two Grade 12 ministry authorized courses | |
BIOL 0600 CHEM 0600 PHYS 0600 MATH 0600/0610 MATH 0630 MATH 0650 NAST 0600 Any university-level course |
BIOL 0601 MATH 0633 PHYS 0601 STSS 0600 |
You must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have successfully completed three of the above courses as an adult
- Have successfully completed at least one of the above courses at TRU
Open Learning certificates
Earn a grade 10 or 11 equivalency certificate with these online courses offered through Open Learning.
Grades 10 and 11 requirements
Grade 10 | Grade 11 |
ENGL 0401 | ENGL 0501 |
MATH 0401 | MATH 0523 |
One science course: | One science course: |
Consult an advisor for suitable courses | BIOL 0501 CHEM 0501 PHYS 0501 |
One elective: | One elective not used for science requirement: |
Consult an advisor for suitable courses | BIOL 0501 CHEM 0501 PHYS 0501 |
Success Strategies
Student Success 0600 supports the development of traditional and fundamental skills for learning success and can be used as a course requirement for your BC Adult Graduation Diploma.
This course is open to all students. Tuition is free, and texts are available online at no cost.
Here's what you'll learn:
- Time management
- Learning styles
- Balancing life/money management
- Reading strategies/vocabulary development
- Note-taking/memory techniques
- Test-taking strategies/study skills
- Critical thinking and problem solving
- Communication/listening skills
- Diversity
- Group dynamics
- Oral presentations
- Being an online learner
- Various learning platforms
- Establishing mutually beneficial relationships with online instructors
For more information, get in touch with Or for current students register through your myTRU account.
What students say

Dixon Bertrand
Home town: Penticton | Goal: Bachelor of Science
Thanks to a minimum wage job, I realized it would be difficult to pay for the things I wanted out of life. Adult Basic Education helped me improve my high school marks so I could go after a career with a good financial outlook.
The fear of a course can hold you back, but you don't know until you try. When I got my first test back—a 99 in math—I realized, 'I can do this' because that mark blew away any math score I got in Grade 12.

Rebecca Fabian
Home town: Fort McKay First Nations, Alberta | Goal: Bachelor of Social Work
It had been 27 years since I graduated from high school. My instructors here were easy to talk to and available with office hours. They took the time to explain things step by step, so I could understand exactly what they wanted from me and so I could do the work correctly.

Kenneth Joseph
Home town: Fort St. James | Goal: Bachelor of Social Work
Even a good-paying job wasn’t enough because I wasn’t doing the work I was meant to do. Adult Basic Education helped me improve my marks so I can pursue the work I am meant to do.
I have a passion and a personal interest to help people with addictions. After researching different ways to do this, I came to the conclusion that I would be best suited as an addictions counsellor, and decided that TRU would be a good place to pursue that.