Certificate in Entrepreneurial Skills 2
Career Opportunities
Admission Requirements
Open admission
A strong grounding in quantitative courses, such as Pre-calculus 11 or equivalent
Residency Requirements
A minimum of six TRU credits (distance or on-campus)
Certificate Requirements
Completion of the Certificate in Entrepreneurial Skills 1
Fifteen additional credits, with a minimum GPA of 2.00 (C average) over all courses required to complete this credential, as follows:
Core Knowledge Requirements (9 credits)
- ACCT 1221, Accounting II (3)
- MNGT 2131, Motivation and Productivity (3)
- MNGT 4711, Decision Analysis (3)
Elective Requirements (6 credits)
Six credits from the following electives:
- MATH 1091, Business Mathematics (3)
- MNGT 1211, Management Principles and Practices (3)
- FNCE 2121, Financial Management (3)
- MIST 2611, Management Information Systems (3)
- HRMN 2821, Human Resource Management (3)
- BLAW 2911, Commercial Law (3)
- BBUS 3331, Introduction to Production and Operations Management (3)
- MKTG 3451, Professional Selling (3)
- MKTG 4431, Retail Marketing (3)
- MKTG 4451, E-Commerce (3)
- ENTR 4751, New Venture Creation (3)
Programs and Pathways
This chart shows how credits gained in one credential can count toward another:
NOTE The Bachelor of Commerce program is currently not accepting applications