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The Dean is the chief academic leader and executive officer of the Faculty of Law, is a member of the senior leadership team and reports to the provost and Vice-President, Academic. The Dean is responsible for providing active leadership for the Faculty. In addition, the Dean has the ultimate responsibility for Teaching and Learning, which includes professional accreditation, quality assurance and on-going program review.
The Dean has general responsibility for the Faculty of Law and in addition to responsibilities within TRU, the dean is accountable externally to the Bar and to other academic and professional bodies (eg, the Council of Canadian Law Deans (CCLD) and the Federation of the Law Societies of Canada (FLSC)). The dean has ultimate responsibility within the Faculty for students, budgeting and fundraising, human resource matters, major events, marketing and communication and Faculty Governance. The dean serves as President of Board of Directors of the Community Legal Clinic, ex officio on a variety of University committees (eg, the Deans’ Council, Provost’s Council, and Senate) and on other committees established by Faculty Council (eg, with respect to admissions and academic planning).
The Dean works closely with both the Associate Dean, the Department Chair and the Assistant Dean. The dean chairs Faculty Council and present a regular report there. In additional to a general responsibility to students, the Dean meets regularly with the President of TRU’s Society of Law Students (SLS).
Assistant Dean
The Assistant Dean provides advice and assistance to the Dean on student engagement and wellness, professional regulation, and alumni matters. In addition, the Assistant Dean represents the Faculty on professional bodies such as the CBABC, CLEBC and LSBC. The Assistant Dean serves on the Board of Directors of the Community Legal Clinic and as an elected or ex officio member on several committees established by Faculty Council (eg, admissions, equity, mooting, orientation, and scholarships and awards). The Assistant Dean oversees the work of the Special Projects and Events Coordinator and is the on-site supervisor for TRU’s PBSC Chapter.
The Assistant Dean works closely with students and provides advice and support to students in navigating mental health and wellness issues, professional development, and entry into the legal profession. She is also responsible for implementing and managing various student support initiatives with a particular focus on the 1L student experience.
Department Chair
The Department Chair is chosen by the members of faculty. The Department Chair provides intellectual leadership in the development of departmental faculty, provides administrative leadership in the effective operation and functioning of the JD, uses professional and interpersonal skills to communicate and work effectively with Faculty, administrators, students and support staff and works with the Dean to facilitate a respectful, collegial workplace and support the goals and vision of the Faculty. Major responsibilities include strategic program and department management, administrative and operational responsibilities, human resource management and financial management.