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Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest
In partnership with local engineers and geoscientists, TRU hosts the annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest on our Kamloops campus. We hope to see you there!
Supported by the Local Engineers and Geoscientists, this year’s 20th Annual TRU Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest is a continuation our Annual TRU Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest.
Popsicle Stick Bridges will be tested to destruction ‘live’ in person using our Popsicle Stick Bridge Testing Machine on Saturday 2025 March 08. For those who may be unable to attend in person, Popsicle Stick Bridges may be tested in absentia. We will be recording the testing on video and provide a link for viewing; however, we will not be able to broadcast the testing live. (Note also that we cannot guarantee the completeness and success of video recording and editing.)

Event details
Location: TRU Trades and Technology Building Room,
Carpentry Lab Room TT203
Date: March 8, 2025 (Saturday)
Time: 9:30 a.m. Onwards
Contest categories
- Elementary: Grades 7 and Under
- Secondary: Grades 8 to 12
- Open: Public, mixed-category teams, university students (except P.Eng's).
- Corporate: Open to professional engineers or engineering firms only.
Category | 1st Prize | 2nd Prize | 3rd Prize |
Elementary | $50 | $25 | Swag bag |
Secondary | $50 | $25 | Swag bag |
Open and Corporate | $50 | $25 | Swag bag |
Corporate | Corporate Cup | -- | -- |
The goal of the contest is to construct the strongest bridge possible with 100 Popsicle sticks and white glue. The bridge must span a 500 mm gap; otherwise, the design of the bridge is left up to the competitor. Specifications are included on the following pages.
Anyone is welcome to participate. You are encouraged to register early, but you can register on site the day of the competition. Contestants may enter bridges individually or as a team.

- The bridge must be built with a maximum of 100 Popsicle sticks and white all-purpose glue, white wood glue or white/yellow carpenters glue. No other glues are acceptable.
- Popsicle sticks must be left whole. They must not be cut, split, or otherwise altered.
- The bridge must span a 500mm gap and fit within the attached clearance envelope. We recommend that the bridge be at least 550mm long to ensure that the bridge does not fall through the 500mm gap when the load is applied.
- The highest centre portion of the bridge must be designed to contact a 100mm wide loading plate through which the “Bridge Buster” will apply loading to the bridge.
- Bridges will be inspected at registration. Any violations of the rules outlined above will result in disqualification from the official results, but the contestant(s) will still be allowed to have their bridge tested unofficially.
Testing the bridges

- Bridges will be weighed before being loaded. In the event of a tie, the lightest bridge wins.
- Bridges will be loaded from the top with a loading plate as described in 4 above and shown in the diagram below. Loading will be increased and measured electronically until the bridge fails.
- For the safety of all involved, bridge loading will be done behind a protective screen. Contestants and spectators will be expected to stand clear of the loading area and follow directions of officials at all times during the event.
- The winner is the bridge that holds the largest load prior to failure.
- All bridges will be loaded to the point of failure unless the contestant decides not to continue with incremental loads in order to save their bridge!
The oldest team member will determine the team’s entrance category.
Dimensional specifications

- Each bridge built by a team or an individual contestant is considered 1 entry.
- Please print legibly. Bridges may be pre-registered or registered on site the day of the completion.
- Start early, as you will have to build the bridge in steps. It would be difficult to build it in one go due to the varying orientations of surfaces to be glued.
Registration package
The Contest Rules and Information will be posted on the TRU Website.
Sign upFrequently Asked Questions:
Return of our annual popsicle stick bridge contest
While our Popsicle Stick Bridge Testing Machine has had some intermittent use over the past couple of years, this current Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest is a continuation our Annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest in its original format. Popsicle Stick Bridges will be tested to destruction in a ‘live’ in-person event on Saturday 2025 March 8. For those uncomfortable or unable to attend the live event, we will be recording the testing on video and provide a link for viewing; however, we will not be able to broadcast the testing live.
Where can I buy popsicle sticks?
Popsicle sticks can be purchased in bulk from various hobby stores. One example is Michael’s in Kamloops. Dollar Stores also carry stock.
Can I use jumbo popsicle sticks or even make my own?
No. The rules call for the use of “standard” popsicle sticks. Jumbo, tongue depressors, or custom-made sticks are not permitted.
Can I enter more than one bridge in the contest?
Yes, you can enter as many bridges as you like; however, we will only award one prize per Category and Person.
Are you allowed to cut or split the popsicle sticks?
No. The rules call for the popsicle sticks to remain intact. They must not be split or cut to length. Judges will be checking these details before your bridge is tested at the same time your bridge is weighed in and verified to use 100 or fewer popsicle sticks. Local Engineers & Geoscientists and 20th Annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Contest 2025
Can epoxy based or “Crazy Glue” type adhesives be used?
No. The rules call for white glue such as Elmer’s, Bondfast, or any of a wide assortment of white wood-working glues available from any hardware store. Judges will be checking that only approved adhesives have been used when your bridge is weighed in.
A group of us together built a bridge. How do I decide which category to enter?
The oldest member of the group determines the category.
I helped my young son / daughter built a bridge. How do I decide which category to enter?
We expect Dads or Moms help youngsters. Deciding the category depends on the level of assistance given. To make it fair for all contestants, we ask is that you judge the level of assistance provided and choose between Elementary and Open. In case of dispute, our Judge’s Decision is final.
How accurately can the “Bridge Buster” actually measure the forces being applied to the bridge?
The force is calculated by measuring air pressure being applied to the pneumatic cylinder which is stressing the bridge. The air pressure is measured with a sensor certified to +/- 0.1% accuracy. Accounting for small air leaks and something call “stiction” in the pneumatic cylinder, we are reasonably confident forces can be measured to within +/- 1%. This means a 500 lb measured failure force is 500 +/- 5 lbs. Sometimes the load on the Projection Screen differs from what the operator determines as the maximum load. Our Operator’s Decision is Final.