TRU Science

Course Descriptions

Click on the course number to go to the appropriate course description

Geology 1110 Introduction to Physical Geology
Geology 2050 Historical Geology: Global Change Through Time
Geology 2060 Introduction to Mineral Deposits, Explorations and Mining
Geology 2070 Geologic Hazards and Forensic Geology
Geology 2100 Mineralogy: Properties, Identification, Occurrences and Uses
Geology 2150 Introductory Petrology
Geology 2290 Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Geology
Geology 3010 Principles and Palaeontology
Geology 3070 Structural Geology
Geology 3100 Optical Mineralogy and Ore Petrology
Geology 3190 Geomorphology
Geology 3280 Field Techniques
Geology 4250 Geological History of North America
Geology 4480 Directed Studies In Geology

GEOL 1110-3

Introduction to Physical Geology (3,0,2)(L)

A Science Laboratory course directed towards anyone who has an interest in geology. The course involves a survey of all major topics of physical geology, including Mineralogy, Petrology, Crystal Chemistry, Time, Surface Processes, Volcanic Activity, Rock Deformation and Mountain Building, and Plate Tectonics. Field excursions supplement in the lecture and laboratory material. Prerequisite: none.
Calendar Link to GEOL1110

GEOL 2050-3

Historical Geology: Global Change Through Time (3,0,3)(L)

Earth has a 4.5 billion year history. The course explores the evolution of the continents, oceans, atmosphere, climate, and biosphere over geologic time.
Learn about the scientific principles, evidence, techniques and technologies for addressing fundamental inquires such as how oxygen was added to the atmosphere, how and why climates have changed throughout time and the significance to current climate change; how water and salts were added to the oceans, and causes of sea level change; the formation and erosion of mountains; causes and effects of glaciations; theories for the origin of life, and the timing and causes of major extinctions; and the recent importance of humans as geologic agents.

GEOL 2060-3

Introduction to Mineral Deposits, Explorations and Mining (3,0,3)(L)

This course explores the formation, styles and types of mineral deposits, occurrences, exploration methods, mineral resources and reserves, types of mines, and prospecting methods. Topics include considerations of a social license to mine; social, economic, and environmental sustainability issues and solutions; environmental assessment, mine closure and reclamation. Case studies will be discussed.

GEOL 2070-3

Geologic Hazards and Forensic Geology(3,0,3)(L) In this course students will explore how the geosciences contribute to criminal and military investigations, and to the understanding, prediction and mitigation of geologic hazards. This course is an opportunity to explore the magnitude, frequency, causes and impacts of geologic hazards such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami, landslides, and meteor impact. The course also covers prediction, monitoring, assessment and causes of damage; the role of the geosciences in national security, and geological methods used in criminal investigations.

GEOL 2100-3

Mineralogy: Properties, Identification, Occurences and Uses (3,0,3)(L)

Introduction to crystallography, physical and chemical properties of minerals. The recognition of common minerals forms the bulk of laboratory study. Field trips supplement the lecture and laboratory material. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110/2050.

GEOL 2150-3

Introductory Petrology (2,0,3)(L)

Examination of the origin, composition, occurrence and structure of all three rock groups igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. In the laboratory the student will be introduced to Petrography - determinations using the petrographic microscope in addition to hand sample identification. Prerequisites: GEOL 2100.

GEOL 2290-3

Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Geology (3,0,2)(L)

Physical and biological stratigraphy, facies and correlation, sequence concepts and basin analysis. Origin, diagenisis and gechemistry of sediments and sedimentary rock. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110/2050 or permission of the instructor.

GEOL 3010-3

Principles and Palaeontology (2,0,2)(L)

A systematic study of ancient forms of the life (fossils). Attention will also be given to Palaeoecology, Evolutionary Principles, and Palaeontologic Techniques. Prerequisites: GEOL 2050 or permission of the instructor.

GEOL 3070-3

Structural Geology (2,0,3)

Analysis and interpretation of natural deformation. The fault, fold and ductile flow systems accompanying deformation of the earth's crust. Extensional, contractional and toroidal deformation. Geometric, Kinematic and mechanical analysis of deformational structures of different scales. Techniques and assumption used in the construction of structural cross sections. Prerequisite or Corequisite: GEOL 219 and GEOL 2290.

GEOL 3100-3

Optical Mineralogy and Ore Petrology (3,0,3)

This course builds on GEOL 2100 Mineralogy by introducing the use of the petrographic microscope and the properties of light and its interaction with mineral grains for identification and other diagnostic purposes. Topics include light waves, the use of the petrographic microscope, polarization, reflection and refraction, isotropic and anisotropic minerals, interference phenomena, interference figures, birefringence, extinction, optic sign, orientation of crystallographic axes, colour and pleochroism, isotropic, uniaxial and biaxial minerals. Ore minerals and their phase relationships are studied in hand specimen and polished thin section.

GEOL 3190-3 (Cross-listed with GEOG 3190)

Geomorphology (3,0,3)(L)

Geomorphic processes, interrelationship of processes, landforms, materials and time. Practical problems in science and applied science that relate to geomorphic processes are discusses in lectures and methods of investigation and analysis are introduced in laboratory session. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110 or permission of the instructor.

GEOL 3280-3

Field Techniques (2,0,2*)(L)

The labs entail field exercises in traversing and mapping. Introduction to techniques of geological field mapping. Methods in basic structural geology, core analysis, traversing, sampling procedures and survival first aid for the field will be covered. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110/2050 or permission of the instructor. (*Denotes alternate weeks)

GEOL 4250-3

Geological History of North America (3,0,0)

An overview of the geological history of North America with emphasis on Plate Tectonics, PreCambrian Orogens, Phanerozoic Orogenic Belts, especially the Cordillera; Interrelations of Sedimentation, Deformation and Metamorphism. Prerequisite or Corequisite: GEOL 2190 and GEOL 2290.

Geology 4480-3

Directed Studies In Geology

A course designed to allow students to undertake an investigation on a specific topic as agreed upon by the faculty member and the student. Permission of the faculty member (supervisor) is required and acceptance of the topic by a co-supervisor with the appropriate expertise either on or off campus.