Terms of Reference
- Provost and Vice-President Academic (ex officio, voting)
Voting members
- Eleven Faculty or Open Learning Faculty Members, approved by Senate, at least two of whom shall be members of Senate. Normally, there shall be one member from each of the academic divisions (Faculties/Schools/Division) reflecting the diversity of disciplines at the University
- Two Deans approved by Senate
- Two Directors approved by Senate
- One staff member approved by Senate
- Two students nominated by TRUSU and approved by the Senate Steering Committee.
- President (ex officio)
Ex officio non-voting members
- Vice-President Administration and Finance
- Associate Vice-President, Finance
- Director, Williams Lake Campus
- Director, Risk Management
- Director, Financial Planning and Budget
Administrative support
- Office of the Vice-President Administration and Finance
- Advise Senate and its committees on the budgetary implications of matters within the jurisdiction of Senate and its Committees, including proposals for new educational, research or other programs or initiatives, as required by Senate and its committees
- On behalf of Senate, and in consultation with the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee of Senate, advise the President and Vice-Presidents on the review and development of academic budgetary priorities, major capital plans, and the allocation of funds.
- At the request of the President, Board of Governors and Senate, provide advice on matters related to the University's property, buildings and structures
- Assist the President and Vice-Presidents in the development of budgetary policies, guidelines, processes and models
- Assist the President and Vice-Presidents with the development of consultation and communication strategies related to budgetary matters, and ensure that language used in budget related communications are clear and concepts are transparent
- Act as ambassadors with respect to the University budget by educating their constituent groups with respect to the budget methodology, terminology and processes
- Present the annual University budget to Senate
- Establish such subcommittees as needed to fulfil the Committee's responsibilities
- Other duties as assigned by Senate