Advanced Certificate in Management Studies
Career Opportunities
Admission Requirements
Open admission
Program Requirements
Two years of post-secondary education in any field or the equivalent as determined through PLAR.
Employment or volunteer experience in capacities where the skills can be readily applied.
Residency Requirements
A minimum of six TRU credits (distance or on-campus)
Certificate Requirements
15 credits, with a GPA of 2.00 or higher over all courses required to complete this credential, as follows:
Core Knowledge Requirements (15 credits)
- BBUS 3611, Open Thinking (3)
- MNGT 4711, Decision Analysis (3)
- BBUS 3631, Open Communication: Effective Communication Skills (3)
- MNGT 3731, Leadership (3)
- BBUS 3671, Contemporary Leadership (3)
Upon approval, you can take up to to two alternate courses (6 credits).
You benefit by taking BBUS 3611 before BBUS 3631 and MNGT 3731.
Programs and Pathways
This chart shows how credits gained in one credential can count toward another:
NOTE The Bachelor of Commerce program is currently not accepting applications