Part-time Assistance
Canada Student Grant for Part-time Students (CSG-PT)
This federal grant program provides funding to students who:
- can demonstrate financial need (according to the formula used by StudentAid BC)
- are registered in qualifying post-secondary courses and are pursuing a certificate, diploma or degree
- are in good standing with any previous Canada or BC student loans
For the Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Students, all students must be studying between 20 to 59 percent of a full-time course load (normally 3-8 undergraduate credits). The maximum funding per student per program year (Aug 1 to Jul 31) is $2,520.
What does the Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Students cover?
The part-time funding will cover direct educational costs, including:
- tuition and fees
- required textbooks
- miscellaneous allowance
- some childcare costs (when applicable)
How to apply for the Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Students:
- BC residents can download the application form. *Do not complete the PDF form in your web browser.
- Complete the fillable pdf form
- Sign the form and make sure it is saved to your computer
- Send the completed form to as a PDF file
Open Learning students who reach the maximum Canada Student Grant will automatically also be considered for funding through the CKNW Bursary, Barbara Guttmann-Gee Bursary or Open Learning Bursary. If you have received the maximum federal grant for the year, or you or your program are not eligible for government assistance but you can demonstrate financial need, email to request a Special Bursary Application be opened for you in myTRU.
Allow two to four weeks for processing.
Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG)
University Prep, Upgrading, and English for Academic Purposes courses are not eligible for the Canada Student Grant for Part-Time Students. However, these courses are eligible for the Adult Upgrading Grant: