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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

NRSC 4021: Natural Resource Entomology

Students develop an understanding of entomological issues associated with natural resources. Topics include the ecological, economic, and social roles of insects as well as identification and basic biology of major groups of insects associated with natural resources. Insect behavioural and chemical ecology, and the population dynamics of major insect pests, especially in forests, are reviewed. Students will develop an understanding of ecosystem health, the beneficial and economically positive roles of insects, and the precepts of integrated pest management.

Learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate the ability to identify the major insect Orders and identify forest insect pest species of BC and be able to outline their life history.
  • Demonstrate the ability to calculate Degree Day standards, Degree Day accumulations and Economic Injury Levels.
  • Identify factors that drive forest pest insect population cycles and epidemics.
  • Outline Integrated Pest Management strategies and apply those to forest pest insect species of BC.
  • Create a field specimen (40 species) or photo collection (50 species) with museum standard documentation and identification of the level of Family.
  • Describe provincial legislation and policies related to forest health.

Course topics

  • Module 1: Introduction to Insects
  • Module 2: Insects in Forest Ecosystems
  • Module 3: Main Forest Insects and the Damage They Cause
  • Module 4: Forest Pest Management and Policy

Required text and materials

There is no textbook required for this course.


Please be aware that should your course have a final exam, you are responsible for the fee to the online proctoring service, ProctorU, or to the in-person approved Testing Centre. Please contact with any questions about this.

To successfully complete this course, students must achieve a passing grade of 50% or higher on the overall course, and 50% or higher on the final mandatory exam.

Quiz 1: Module 1 10%
Quiz 2: Module 2 10%
Virtual Insect Collection: Progress Report 10%
Quiz 3: Module 3 10%
Quiz 4: Module 4 10%
Virtual Insect Collection: Final Report 30%
Final Exam (mandatory) 20%
Total: 100%

Open Learning Faculty Member Information

An Open Learning Faculty Member is available to assist students. Students will receive the necessary contact information at the start of the course.

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