First Aid
Contact first aid
Kamloops campus
Call campus security:
- Click 'EMERGENCY' on the TRU SAFE app and follow the instructions
or - Dial 250-828-5033 or 5033 from any campus phone
- Press the 'info' button on any emergency phone — red phones within buildings or yellow pillars outside. Emergency services can also be reached on these phones by pressing the 'emergency' button.
Williams Lake campus
- Summon help by calling 250-392-8000 or 8000 from any campus phone.
- After hours, call Security 250-214-9610
Self treatment, first aid, hospital — which one do I need?
Simple injuries such as paper cuts and slivers can be self treated, but all other injuries should be treated by a first aid attendant. The goal of first aid is to get you back to work/class or prepare you to be sent to your doctor or the hospital.
TRU's first aid attendants can provide a wide variety of treatments, such as bandaging of larger cuts, applying butterfly stitches to close larger wounds, and application of splints, slings and tensor bandages. It is preferable to have employees treated by first aid for these types of minor injuries rather than have these same treatments provided at the hospital. Attendants will refer you for medical follow-up if required.
In most cases, first aid should be called before deciding to travel to the hospital. However, if you believe there is a serious medical emergency such as a heart attack, stroke, unresponsive person, deadly bleeding, etc., call 911 and then call for first aid. Treatment or support can be started while awaiting the ambulance.
On the Kamloops campus, designated first aid attendants have been trained in the recognition of opioid overdose and provision of life supporting procedures including the administration of injection naloxone (Narcan).
Transportation for further medical treatment
Should you, a colleague or a student require further medical treatment at the hospital, there are important processes to consider. Transport via ambulance - unless the injury is serious, calling an ambulance utilizes valuable resources and may be unnecessary. First Aid attendants will advise you of the best mode of transport for your injury including alternate arrangements TRU has in place.
Transporting students in your personal vehicle is strongly discouraged for a number of reasons, including liability. Again, first aid attendants can provide direction on the best mode of transport.
Reporting procedures
All employee injuries must be reported to their direct supervisor and first aid attendant immediately.
All injuries require the completion of an Incident Report Form, which is to be submitted electronically to the safety officer. This will allow the safety department to ensure that hazardous situations are rectified or changes to procedures are instituted, so others are not injured.