Elizabeth Rennie, MLIS
Instruction and Research Services Librarian

Phone: 250-371-5775
Email: erennie@tru.ca
Office: HL 448
Areas of responsibility
Coordination of Library Instruction Program
Reference Services
Liaison areas
Biological Sciences
Business and Economics
Literatures, Languages and Performing Arts
MSc. Environmental Science
Natural Resource Science
Social Work and Human Service
Presentations and publications
Arundel, R., Gaynor, K., Harris, C., Ratsoy, G., Rennie, E., Watmough, K., & Wolfe, S. (2016). Building community at 2am: Learning engagement throughout the night. Panel presented at the 12th annual UBCO Learning Conference, Kelowna, BC.
Gaynor, K., Rennie, E., & Wolfe, S. (2016). Creating community at 2am: Lessons learned from a long night. Lecture presented at the BC Library Conference, Richmond, BC.
Gaynor, K., Rennie, E,. & Wolfe, S. (2016). Creating community at 2am: Lessons learned from a long night. Lecture presented at the Conference on Writing and Writing Centre Work, Calgary, AB.
Rennie, E., & Purdy, S. (2016). Lab Time at the Library: Partnering for Engaging Information Literacy in a Large 1st Year Science Class. Poster presented at the 45th annual Workshop for Instruction in Library Use, Vancouver, BC.
Gaynor, K., Nilsen, C., Rennie, E., and Smith, B. (2010). Teaching Information Literacy, Not How To Find Stuff. Poster session presented at the TRU Teaching Practices Colloquium, Kamloops, BC.
Gaynor, K. and Rennie, E. (2009). Library Research 2.0. Lecture conducted at the Research 2.0: New Technologies for Scholarship Conference, Kamloops, BC.
Gaynor, K. & Rennie, E. (2014, June). Dropping a few balls: Juggling for relevancy. Poster session presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Gaynor, K. & Rennie, E.(2014, May). Beyond the walls:Meeting library learners outside of traditional spaces. Lecture presentedat the annual conference of the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education,Kamloops, BC.
Hunt, G., Atkins, T.,Brewer, S., Cederlof, C., Cinel, B., Johnson, N. & Rennie, E. (2014). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) at TRU. Panel presented at the TRU Teaching Practices Colloquium, Kamloops, BC.
<p">Purdy, S. & Rennie, E.(2014, February). Thinking Outside the Lab: Biology 1210 at the Library. Lecture presented at the TRU Teaching Practices Colloquium, Kamloops, BC.Purdy, S. & Rennie, E.(2014, May). Information Literacy in a Large 1st Year Class: Can a “Quirky Assignment” Effectively Engage Students? Lecture presented the UBCO’s 10thAnnual Learning Conference, Kelowna, BC.
Ratsoy, G., McKay, M.,Rennie, E., Waldichuk, T., Hood, R., Mahbobi, M., Wallin, B., and Brown, F.(2012). On Stage and Behind the Scenes: Undergraduate Research. Panel presented at the TRU Teaching Practices Colloquium, Kamloops, BC.
Ratsoy, G., Rennie, E.,Flood, N., Dominik, A., Block, T., Wilson, A., Tobin, J., Andrews, D.,Magliochi, M., Waldichuk, T. & Verwey, H. (2014). Participation in TRU Undergraduate Conferences. Panel presented at the TRU Teaching Practices Colloquium,Kamloops, BC.
Rennie, E. (2013, June). Conference connections: Taking an active role in undergraduate research culture. Poster session presented at the American Library Associate Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Rennie, E. (2013, May). Embedded in campus knowledge creation: Library leadership in an annual undergraduate research conference. Lecture conducted at the British Columbia Library Conference, Richmond, BC.
Rennie, E. (2013, November). Gathering Data in Other Instructors’ Classes: The Challenge of Analyzing the Impact of Library Instruction. Poster session presented at the Mount Royal University Institute for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2013 Symposium on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Banff, AB.
Rennie, E., Flood, N. & Verwey, H. (2014). Undergraduate Conference Culture: Creating Places for the Exchange of Ideas. Lecture presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education, Kamloops, BC.
Rennie, E. & Gaynor, K. (2014, September). Library as lab: Partnership for practice. Presentation for the TRU Centre for Student Engagement and Learning Innovation’s Fall 2014 Engagement Series on Experiential Learning. Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada.
Rennie, E. & Neifer, S. (2012, February). Making "The Library Visit" a High Impact Practice. Poster session presented at the TRU Teaching Practices Colloquium, Kamloops, BC
Rennie, E. & Neifer, S.(2013, February). Facilitating “deep reading” of digital texts. Poster session presented at the TRU Teaching Practices Colloquium, Kamloops, BC.
Rennie, E. & Ratsoy, G. (2014). A Snapshot of Undergraduate Research at Thompson Rivers University. Lecture presented the UBCO’s 10thAnnual Learning Conference, Kelowna, BC.
Svendsen, M. & Rennie,E. (2012, October). Going beyond Google: ESL students, library databases and controlled vocabularies. Poster session presented at the TESL Canada 2012Conference, Kamloops, BC.
Selected Committees
Member of the Promotion, Tenure, and Faculty Standards Committee of Senate
Member of the Student Engagement Committee of Senate
Chair of the 2014 TRU Undergraduate Student Research & Innovation Conference organizing committee
Member of the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Advisory Committee
Member of the New Student Transitions Committee
Chair, Librarians’ Department Performance Review Committee