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Career Exploration Certificate
Explore employability skills and acquire recognized certificates for entry-level employment.

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What you learn
- Customer service
- Communication skills
- Employer expectations
- Job search strategies
- Self and community awareness
- Workplace health and safety
- Teamwork

What you can do next
You may go on to other educational programs or go directly into entry-level employment.
Career Exploration Courses
ESTR 0010 Workplace Communication (4,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
This is a course in interpersonal communication. Students will learn the importance of communication in the work environment. Students will be given the opportunity to learn to use communication skills effectively. Listening, speaking and comprehension skills will be taught and practiced. Students will learn assertiveness skills, anger management skills and how to accept feedback constructively.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0020 Workplace Employability (5,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
This course begins by describing those skills needed by an effective and reliable employee. The following topics are covered in detail: grooming and hygiene, honesty, job relationships, punctuality, following directions, motivation and productivity. The emphasis is on maintaining those skills needed to keep a job. Students will be evaluated on their ability to demonstrate these skills.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0060 Health and Safety (4,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
In this course, students will learn about health and safety as it relates being safe and successful in the workplace. Topics include nutrition, wellness, back safety, fire safety, and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems. Students will learn in an interactive setting aimed to allow the concepts covered in class to be integrated into their present lifestyle.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0070 Job Search and Maintenance (5,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
This course will present skills needed in order to conduct a job search and prepare for job interviews. Students will learn networking skills; prepare job applications, a resume, cover and thank you letters. The students will be made aware of self advocacy skills and be connected to any local agencies that would be able to assist them in their job search.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0100 Practical Experience 3 (0,0,20)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
Students in the career educational stream of the Educational Skills Training Program are required to complete the program with a six-week practicum in an organization or business related to their field of interest. Students perform
the duties of an entry-level employee; work experience opportunities are designed to accommodate the needs of students and employers. A work experience coordinator monitors individual students.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program and ESTR 0160
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0120 Self and Community Awareness (5,0,1)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
Students explore their personal values and goals with regards to being successful in a work environment. A variety of self-assessments and self-discovery tools are completed to determine the field to which students are best suited. Students then develop a vocational plan that outlines their future plans. Completion of the vocational plan is a requirement for the Career Awareness course.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0130 Workplace Academics 1 (5,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
Students improve their skills in literacy and numeracy as it relates to the workplace. The instruction is individualized; students are challenged at their level of competence. Topics include reading and following directions, work vocabulary, taking messages, using a calculator, and money skills. Students are evaluated on their ability to demonstrate their skills and show improvement in literacy and numeracy.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0140 Workplace Academics 2 (5,0,0)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
This course is a continuation of ESTR 0130: Workplace Academics 1. Students increase their competency in math, and reading and writing skills. The instruction in this course is individualized; students are challenged at their level of competence. Topics include measurement using the metric system, finding and reading information, and writing simple messages and letters.
Prerequisite: ESTR 0130
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0150 Career Awareness (5,0,1)
Credits: 3 credits
Delivery: Campus
Students examine the skills and profiles of entry- level occupations to assist in their choice of occupations to consider. Students compare the skills, abilities, and knowledge required for different jobs to their own skills, abilities and knowledge, and complete a job and self-assessment of their chosen occupation. In order to complete the course, students must develop a personal vocational plan that outlines their immediate goals and a five-year plan.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program and ESTR 0120
For more information, search for this course here.
ESTR 0160 Introduction to the Workplace, Practical Experience (0,0,20)
Credits: 5 credits
Delivery: Campus
Students select an entry-level placement that matches their interests and abilities. The placement is four weeks in length, with a maximum of 20 hours per week, determined by a discussion with the student and the employer. Students have an opportunity to further develop good work habits and the skills required for successful employment.A work experience coordinator monitors individual students.
Prerequisite: Admission into Educational Skills and Training Certificate Program
For more information, search for this course here.