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Bachelor of Social Work
The TRU Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program offers a nationally accredited degree that prepares students for a career in the diverse profession of social work. The BSW degree is designed to build on the educational achievements and experiences of a wide range of students.
The BSW program is fully accredited by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education.
BSW Mission Statement
Who We Are
We are social work scholars and practitioners who embrace social justice, equity, and interdependence, and honour the distinct socio-cultural and geo-political context in which we are located. We deeply respect the Secwépemc Nation and are committed to upholding their teachings, while also walking beside and honouring all ways of knowing, being, and doing. We recognize the injustices in the world; this propels us to act, not only by witnessing the differential impacts on people and communities, but also by drawing on our social locations to advocate for social, economic, and climate justice in all our spheres of influence.
What We Do
For those who choose to become part of our learning community, we will honour who you are and the wisdom you bring. We will assist you to become globally minded and locally rooted with an appreciation for the ways in which social workers can transform society. We will support you to be vulnerable and to engage in dialogue as a means of transforming yourself and the world in which we live. In entering a circle together, we commit to accountability to one another and finding ways to renew ourselves and create change.
TRU Story
Ashley Pierobon pushed her own limits so she could help others
"The support I received from (professors) was pivotal in my growth and shaping the social worker and person I have become."
Read Ashley's story
of BSW graduates surveyed indicated that the knowledge, skills and abilities they acquired in the program was useful in their work
of BSW graduates were satisfied with the quality of their education
Median starting income for full-time employment
of students continue on to further education
- 1990 — Program begins with Dr. Grant Larson as Dean in partnership between Thompson Rivers University (formerly the University College of the Cariboo) and the University of Victoria
- 1990-1997 — Joint BSW with UVic
- 1998 — BSW established as an independently accredited program
- 1997 — Concentrated BSW program offered
- 1998 — Affiliation agreement with Nicola Valley Institute of Technology established
- 2000-present — Child welfare specialization begins
- 1999-2004 — Collaboration with UBC to offer MSW distance education program
- 2005 — Thompson Rivers University established
- Currently — BSW program is part of School of Social Work and Human Service in the Faculty of Education and Social Work