Becoming an SL Leader

Benefits of becoming an SL leader:
- Develop leadership and organizational skills
- Build connections with faculty, other leaders, and students
- Earn SL Leadership Training certification
- Make a positive difference for others
- Receive compensation for your good work
- Enjoy the SL Leaders’ Office - a space just for leaders
How to Apply
Attend an SL Information Session. To be invited to an Information Session, contact the SL Coordinator: by early spring (March / April).
SL Information Sessions are designed to provide enough information to know whether the position of SL Leader would be a good fit for you, and a chance to ask any questions you may have. Sessions are 90 minutes. Four or five sessions are schedule; generally from the second week of exams, in April, to mid-May. (Later Information Sessions may be arranged, if positions have not yet been filled.)
After you attend, you'll be invited to submit an application.
SL Leader Qualifications
- Registration as a full or part-time student, required.
- 2nd to 4th year standing in year for which you are applying to lead (2nd or 3rd year preferred).
- Cumulative GPA of 3.3, strongly recommended (3.0 required).
- Minimum grade of “A-“ (or “B+” for Law) in the course to be supported, normally required.
- Content competency required.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills required.
- Good organizational skills highly recommended.

What do leaders say about SL?
Our recent leaders have this to say:
I've learned to think on my feet... to be more assertive.
It brought a new sense of a leader to me. Now I see a leader as a good facilitator.
After a year involved in SL, I walked out with a completely different understanding of leadership.
Several students thank [ed] me for helping them pass the course and it gave me a sense of leadership and pride that I was able to help effectively.