BC Tech Summit
Creating and nurturing a spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship has long been a priority at TRU. We foster a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach to student training and solution-driven innovation — and to job creation in new industries.

Dr. Heather Price, Canada Research Chair, Culture and Communities, Children and the Law. Price's research aims to increase the reliability of witness testimony by developing police line-ups using Augmented Reality.

Dr. David Hill, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts. Hill’s research focuses on creating methods that accurately assess rangeland health from the air, using UAVs equipped with a suite of state-of-the-art remote sensors.

Dr. Mateen Shaikh, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science. Using a truncated data approach and methodology to find correlations between data that normally wouldn’t be combined, Shaikh is developing open-sourced software for use by the research community.

Dr. Andrew Park, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science. Working with the Vancouver Police Department, Park is developing a new framework for crime analytics that will establish trends and aid in policy decisions.

Dr. John Church, BC Regional Innovation Chair in Cattle Industry Sustainability, leads a multi-disciplinary team on the exploration of innovative practices and technologies to enhance the cattle industry, rangelands and meat production.

Dr. Jonathan Van Hamme, Professor, Microbiology. Van Hamme is the director of TRUGen, the first high-throughput genomics lab in BC outside the Lower Mainland. The lab focuses on environmental remediation, waste treatment, agriculture and the Canadian food, beverage and nutraceutical industries.