Principles for Enrolment Planning at TRU

Principles for enrolment planning at TRU
TRU’s mandate, mission, vision, values and strategic change goals encompass a set of principles to inform our strategic enrolment planning.
Students are able to access programs and courses that are relevant for them in a way that suits their needs and learning styles. Successful educational outcomes are paramount.
Inclusive and diverse
Access is open with minimal barriers to entry, progression and attainment. Students enrol from our local region, from across the province, from across Canada, and from around the world in relative balance. All students are welcomed with a sense of belonging.
Educational activity and outcomes serve the social, environmental and economic needs of our communities. Students living, working, and learning within our region add value.
Enrolment levels ensure that available resources align with resources needed to support student success.
The post-secondary landscape, and our enrolment activity from prospective students to graduates, are actively monitored and inform our work. Risks are anticipated and understood.