
- January to March 2023
- Calls for multi-year projects ISP projects that align with strategic priorities
- Workshops provided for staff and faculty on evaluation and assessment of project impacts
- Project proposals to receive formative feedback from Mission Fulfilment Executive committee of Senate
- Final funding decision expected end of March
- September to December 2022
- Identification of Strategic Priorities, based on analysis of data provided by the campus community as well as past planning efforts at TRU, including mission fulfillment, academic program review, and review of existing institutional data
- Information sharing presentations for faculty and staff regarding next steps
- Presentations to TRU’s Senate and Board of Governors
- June to August 2022
- ISP transitions to new provost
- April to May 2022
- Analysis of pan-institutional plans
- January to March 2022
- ISPSC monthly meetings continue
- Planning units populate and submit ISP Map Templates
- Analysis of ISP Map Templates
- September to December 2021
- ISPSC monthly meetings continue
- Plan alignment and integration workshops conducted
- Unit-level planning review for alignment to institutional goals
- July to August 2021
- ISPSC meetings continue
- Inventory of internal plans and goal alignment analysis done
- February to June 2021
- Green Paper published and circulated internally
- Formation of Project Team
- Project Charter developed
- Development of Steering Committee Terms of Reference
- ISP Steering Committee established
- Inaugural ISPSC meeting held