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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Inaugural Professorial Lectures

An Inaugural Professorial Lecture (IPL) is given by tenured faculty who have recently been promoted to full professor. IPLs are a recognized way for universities to publicly celebrate this milestone event in the careers of academics.

Promotion to full professor follows a rigorous process in which an applicant’s research, teaching and service are thoroughly evaluated by peers who assess the quality and impacts of their contributions at the local, national and international levels.

TRU usually promotes between four and eight faculty members to full professor each year. Each new professor is encouraged to give an Inaugural Professorial Lecture. The topic of the lecture is chosen by the professor and typically relates to their research expertise. IPLs typically cover the professor’s research journey, their contributions to knowledge, what they know, what they don’t know, and what remains unknown in their field.

Inaugural Professorial Lectures bring together TRU faculty and students along with interested members of the community. They are showcase of events that demonstrates TRU’s research and teaching capabilities.

Contact for information about the Inaugural Professorial Lectures.

Upcoming lectures

Laura Doan

Laura Doan

Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024: Among Giants: The Co-Creation of a Province-wide Peer Mentoring Program.

Wendy Gardner

Wendy Gardner

Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025: The Importance of BC Grasslands: Building Our Understanding.

Past lectures

John Church

Tuesday, Mar. 26, 2024: Precision Ranching Technology.
» Watch on YouTube

Katie Sykes

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024: Ag-gag Laws.
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Tory Handford

Tory Handford

Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023: Dangling in the glimmer of hope: Academic action and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
» Watch on YouTube

Chris Hunt

Chris Hunt: Faculty of Law

Tuesday, April 4, 2023: Normative Tensions in Constitutional Privacy Rights Adjudication
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Lyn Baldwin

Lyn Baldwin: Faculty of Science

Tuesday, March 21, 2023: An unquiet botany: Reconciling plants and people with story and image.
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Bruce Martin

Dr. Bruce Martin: Why every business should be a social enterprise: bringing business back to society

Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023: Bruce Martin has research interests in the creation and growth of next generation ethical organizations: businesses that produce social, environmental and commercial value for society.
» Watch on YouTube

Matthew Reudink

Dr. Matthew Reudink: Colour evolution across time and space

Tuesday, March 29, 2022: Dr. Matthew Reudink is co-chair of the biological sciences department, with research interests in behavioural ecology, evolution and ornithology.
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Gloria Ramirez

Dr. Gloria Ramirez: Searching for Meaning: A Research Journey Across Paradigms

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022: Dr. Gloria Ramirez shares her transformative journey shifting research paradigms to serve different communities through her work.
» Watch on YouTube

Courtney Mason

Dr. Courtney Mason: The Future Has to Be Green Indeed

Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2022: Dr. Courtney Mason highlights grassroots, Indigenous-led conservation practices that are drawn from his two decades of collaborative work with Indigenous communities in rural Canada and internationally.
» Watch on YouTube

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