Program Review
The purpose of Program Review is to evaluate each program’s health through evidence-based inquiry and analyses, with the findings documented in a comprehensive report and action plan. The focus of Program Review is continuous quality improvement―helping good programs get even better!
Program Review is coordinated through the Office of Mission Fulfillment and Quality Assurance and follows guidelines set out in TRU policy ED 8-4 Program Review.
All TRU programs are reviewed at least once every seven years. A new cohort of programs starts annually each Spring. Programs scheduled for review are enrolled in the Program Review Course, oriented to program review, provided templates, and guided through eight modules over the course of 14 months, culminating in a report to the Academic Planning and Priorities Committee (APPC).
Program Review Course
The Program Review Course is cohort-based and encompasses eight program review modules. Course content is available in Moodle and delivered through a variety of methods (both asynchronous and synchronous), such as through interactive workshops, one-on-one meetings, short info-sessions, and self-directed learning. The 14-month Course is facilitated by the Office of Mission Fulfillment and Quality Assurance and Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching.
The Program Review Handbook includes instructions, resources, and templates for completing a successful review. Completed reports and action plans are available on TRU's internal Program Review OneTRU site.
Please direct questions or comments about Program Review to the Office of Mission Fulfillment and Quality Assurance at