Katherine Watmough, MLIS
Associate Librarian and Borrower Services

Phone: 250-852-7287
Email: kwatmough@tru.ca
Office: HL 418
Areas of responsibility
Coordination of User and Borrower Services
Library Instruction
Liaison Collection Development
Library Reserves
Liaison areas
Adventure Studies
Agricultural Related Sciences
Animal Health Technology
Culinary Arts
Tourism Management
Trades & Technology
Veterinary Technology
Publications and presentations
Watmough, K., (October 2019). Moderator Neo-liberalism context in libraries. CAUT Librarian and Archivist Conference 2019. Ottawa, ON
Watmough, K. & May, E. (June 2019). SAILS conference highlights 2019. UBCO Leadership in Residence conference lightning round
Watmough, K., Schmidt, C. Gysel, L. (May 2019). Resource sharing at TRU. Panel presented at Symposium for All Interior Library Staff. Kamloops, BC
Watmough, K. & Shires, M. (February 2019). Indigenous Knowledge Standing Committee/Collections Committee Collaboration roundtable facilitators for library donation policies. Nanaimo, BC
Watmough, K. (May 2019). Library of things. Presented at Symposium for All Interior Library Staff. Kamloops, BC
Watmough, K. (November 2018). Staffing and scheduling model based on one-desk service. Presented at Back in Circulation Again Conference in Madison, WI
Watmough, K. & Purcell, M. (October 2016). Building a baseline of technical skills in staff. Presented at Back in Circulation Conference in Madison, WI
Arundel, R., Gaynor, K., Harris, C., Ratsoy, G., Rennie, E., Watmough, K., & Wolfe, S. (May 2016). Building community at 2am: Learning engagement throughout the night. Panel presented at the 12th annual UBCO Learning Conference, Kelowna, BC
Watmough, K. (February 2016). Long Night of Procrastination survey data. Poster session presentation TRU Teaching Practices Colloquium in Kamloops, BC
Watmough, K. (November 2015). Training at the service point: Training staff where they work. Presented at Access Services Conference in Atlanta, Georgia
Watmough, K. “How’s the Library Business Folks?” BCLA Browser: Linking the Library Landscape, Volume 2, no. 1 (2010).
Watmough, K. “Roaming Reference!? What the…?” Over the Edge Issue 23 (2010).
Librarian II
B.A. (History & English majors and a First Nations Studies Minor)
M.L.I.S. (concentration: IT Management)
B.C. Provincial Instructor's Diploma
TESL level II eligible