Like colour, typefaces are important brand signifiers. The TRU brand includes primary typefaces, suitable for body copy, headlines and subheads, and a variety of voice typefaces, suitable for headlines in a range of tones for different audiences and contexts.
Primary Typefaces
Adelle helps to convey TRU’s open and collaborative brand personality. Adelle is suitable for use as body copy and for headlines and subheads in a variety of contexts.

When Adelle is not available, use Roboto Slab Light.
Download Roboto Slab LightAdelle Sans
Like Adelle, Adelle Sans is suitable for use as body copy and for headlines and subheads in a variety of contexts.

When Adelle Sans is not available, use Roboto Light.
Download Roboto Light
Using the primary fonts
Maximize readability and communicate as clearly as possible by following these guidelines:
- keep headlines short
- run type flush left, without justification
- do not hyphenate
See Style for editorial style standards like capitalization, lists, punctuation and spelling.