Co-operative Education
What is Co-operative Education?
Co-operative Education blends on-campus learning with practical applied learning. Enhance your education with career-related work experience before graduation.
How Does Co-operative Education Work?
Students alternate study terms with paid, monitored work-terms in professional industry, non-profit, private business, and public sector organizations.
The Co-op program at TRU provides students with a great way to learn valuable career skills and an opportunity to test-drive the wide variety of career options.
Because students earn three credits per Co-op work-term, there is a tuition charge per work-term (semester). The charge is equal to that of a regular three-credit course at TRU.
At TRU, students enter Co-op at various points in their education depending on program requirements. While the summer semester is the most common time to complete work-terms, students are required to complete work-terms in the fall and/or winter semesters to fulfil their Co-op designation. Co-op work-terms in the fall and winter semester provides students with additional experience they would not normally receive during the summer.
Note: To achieve the Co-op designation at Thompson Rivers University, students must complete a minimum number of work terms in their degree or diploma. Students in a four-year degree program must complete a minimum of three work-terms, while students in a two-year diploma program must complete a minimum of two work-terms in order to receive their Co-op designation.
Sample Co-op Timetables for StudentsAm I eligible for Co-op?
Check out the Programs page to check your program's eligibility.

Paying wisdom forward through co-op
Gurjit Kaur is a fourth-year Bachelor of Science in Data Science student from Uganda who started her TRU journey in 2020. She recently completed a co-op term as a technical services analyst contracted by the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS), ending in December 2023. Kaur had the opportunity to work alongside TRU alum Mwansa Kaunda as her supervisor. Kaunda is now a team lead in technology services for the Natural Resource Information and Digital Services (NRIDS) and runs BC Wildfire’s field IT department. Together, they discuss the value of co-op, mentorship, patience and Career and Experiential Learning (CEL).
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