Culinary Arts Menu
Jeremy Keighley
Graduated 2004
Why did you choose to pursue your education at TRU?
I decided to enroll in the program because I had been cooking for a few years in restaurants and figured that if I was going to keep cooking I should take it more seriously and get an education.
What did you like most about your program?
I enjoyed the interaction between the instructors and us most of all. They are very hands on and knowledgeable. I learned a huge amount not only about cooking but what it was going to take to do well in the industry.
How did your TRU education influence what you are now doing — in your career and in your life?
The influence my time in the program has had on me is huge. I learned how to carry myself and deal with the environment I was entering. I often refer back to not only cooking related memories but also management techniques displayed by the instructors.
What would you say about the instructors and professors you had, in terms of their knowledge and ability in teaching and research?
I was impressed with the instructors' abilities to judge a person's needs in terms of how to best educate them and then execute it. The instructors were always trying to push us and show us new trends and techniques.
What would you tell prospective students considering coming to TRU?
If I were to talk to a prospective student I would tell them that they are in good hands. I think you would be hard pressed to find a culinary arts faculty as caring about your eduction and success after the program.
Anything you’d like to add?
Going through the program was one of the best decisions I have made. It helped me exponentially with my career. Thanks to all of you for your continued hard work!

Going through the program was one of the best decisions I have made. Jeremy Keighley
Kyle Stephens
Program: Culinary Cook 1
Graduated: 2012
Why did you choose to pursue your education at TRU?
I heard great things about the school, had current friends going there, and the restaurant in the culinary building was on Canada's Top 100 Restaurants.
What did you like most about your program?
The hands on learning, the extra functions I was involved in from a wine tasting at SunPeaks, gala dinners, and Gold Plates in Kelowna to work hand in hand with some of Canada's top chefs.
How did your TRU education influence what you are now doing — in your career and in your life?
It gave me a base to grow from. They planted the seed and now all I'm doing is growing. Learning day to day new skills and life lessons.
What would you say about the instructors and professors you had, in terms of their knowledge and ability in teaching and research?
Amazing, the chefs I learned from had an amazing background and skills that they gave to us. One of my favourite learning experiences was from Ed Walker when he taught me a little molecular gastronomy and how to make mushroom foam.
Did you get involved in activities at TRU outside of your studies? If so, what did you get out of them?
Yes I did, I joined the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. I learned a lot through this group that to this day and days to come will be apart of me. Leadership, brotherhood, respect, trust, and honour are things this group has given me that I put into my day to day life and career.
What would you tell prospective students considering coming to TRU?
Open up, absorb everything you can, live, laugh, love and most of all cook and eat amazing food.
Anything you’d like to add?
The culinary program gave me the knowledge and skills to which now I am a chef/kitchen manager. I will always have much respect for the chefs I trained under.

They planted the seed and now all I'm doing is growing. Kyle Stephens
Shane Marriott
Program: Culinary Arts
Graduated: 2010
Why did you choose to pursue your education at TRU?
TRU Culinary has the most hands on technical training available to students in B.C.
What did you like most about your program?
Hands on training, little classroom style work. Industry educated instructors that are very knowledgeable in their craft.
What would you say about the instructors and professors you had, in terms of their knowledge and ability in teaching and research?
Instructors are highly knowledgeable and very capable at creating an accurate representation of an industry kitchen in terms of structure and service standards.
What would you tell prospective students considering coming to TRU?
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes this is the beginning of your career. Take the time to understand that your instructors will be hard on you because they see potential.

The most hands on technical training available to students in BC. Shane Marriott