Back-to-Back Apprenticeship Training

Frequently Asked Questions

 Where can I find more information on technical training during an economic recession or training availability around the province?

Visit SkilledTradesBC to see all approved training providers with a full list of public and private institutions which offer technical training.

Visit Trades Training BC to view apprenticeship training schedules offered by 16 public training providers in BC.

 Are foundation students eligible for back-to-back training?

No, foundation students are not eligible for back-to-back training because this initiative is geared towards apprentices who have already acquired some work-based training experience under the supervision of employer sponsors.

 Is there funding available?

Financial support for apprentices is the same when taking back-to-back levels of technical training as it is for all technical training. There is no restriction on financial support as a result of taking back-to-back classes.

Tuition fees are typically charged for technical training, and you should ask your training provider about this and other related costs, like books and equipment.

 What if I am registered for two levels back-to-back but fail the first one? Can I still take the second one?

While this is not advised, it may be permitted at the discretion of your employer and/or training provider. However, be aware that you will have to go back and successfully complete or successfully challenge the level of training you failed in order to obtain your certification.

 But I am laid off. I thought I was not able to go to school unless I had an employer sponsor?

SkilledTradesBC and BC training providers are encouraging apprentices to continue with their training during the recession even if they are between sponsors.

You remain a registered apprentice with SkilledTradesBC even if you are laid off and have not yet found a new employer sponsor. To take technical training, you should provide proof of registration to your chosen training provider, and must be taking the training in the trade in which you are currently registered.

As previously noted, this does not allow foundation students without work-based training under employer sponsorship to go on to Level 2 training. Completion of foundation training does not satisfy the requirement to be a registered apprentice with a sponsor.

If you are an unemployed Apprentice, visit Apprenticeship Training while Unemployed.

 If I am on EI will this hurt my claim?

No. However, before enrolling in back to back training, you should contact EI program administrators to inform them that you are switching to an apprenticeship EI claim. Please call Enquiry BC at 1-800-663-7867 or visit your local office.

 Are apprentices in SkilledTradesBC youth programs, SSA and ACE IT, eligible for back-to-back training?

While it is not advised, apprentices in youth programs may be permitted at the discretion of a training institution provided they are registered apprentices and accumulating supervised work-based training hours under supervision of an employer sponsor.